The other day Our Prime Miniser was around, and I had the opportunity to shake his hand.

But I also had the possiblity to see more! I saw HIM, I saw kenyans, I saw things.

I had no excitement to see the Prime Minister, oh sorry, my Prime Minister.

But practically everyone did , no this is a lie. A majority of the troop apparently did, photos, photos photos, handshakes, more photos. “Oh, am so happy, I took a photo with him!” was said a lot. I did not.

But this Prime Minister guy intrigued me, he is a good diplomat, I loved that.

And he smiled to us all, but a tired smile, a very tired face. Which I understand, he is busy, and he had to leave for other functions. We were going to have lunch with him and get to discuss a bit. Lunch? No he left  after sipping coca cola, and another drink, an orange juice I suppose.

In between he gave a speech, he has a pretty good sense of humour, but Kenyans seem thirstier for laughter. Every single sentence made some of them laugh. It was annoying, even more annoying was that it was a particular group of girls with a particular girl who had a particular laughing style. I bit my lower lip all through the speech to calm myself, she was getting into my nerves!

An opportunity to ask questions came, equality demands, ratio of one to one(1:1), men to women. It was clearely stated, thirty seconds for each question and one question per person, in this case they never state how long the answer will take, anyway, what matters is spending”quality” time with the Prime Minister. I had at least two important questions, everone always does,but some people are good in these things, they sit in the first row, just oppostite the high table(oh no they stand, we did not sit!) This chance go to mediocre questions, you leave the place wondering why you ever set foot there.

There were lots of appetizers in the room, nothing odd, we were there for lunch, with the Prime Minister.

I did not see him leave the room, I was busy discussing with a friend and a new made friend, he lived in Kenya for sometime……..what must have made him Kenyan, or what on earth could he be doing in a Kenyan function? But he was interesting. I gave hime my contacts, still waiting for him to get back to me. He seemed to adore the Prime Minister. I told him that I was not so political, and had no opinion about him. We changed topics, why am Carol and not anything else, why there are more Kate, Lily, Tracy, and barely any Anyango, Chebet or Wangari. To make us uniform, one, was my reply.And that is how I missed the Prime Minister’s depature from the room.

We were left with a whole load of stuff, just to put you in a good appetite, then the rest will be completed in respective homes……..

He was around for dinner, in a Four Star restaurant, this time the list of thosse invited was extreemly strict. The meal must have been real too. Thank you for the visit ,Prime Minister. Thank you for coming with some ministers, I saw them too, but I can’t remenber shaking their hands, did I?

And that is how I had lunch with my Prime Minister the other day.